pgp key 2.x and gnupg
Thu May 17 15:46:02 2001
>>>"NK" == Noel Koethe <> writes:
NK> # pgp -ks noel -u noel .gnupg/pubring.gpg
NK> # pgp5 -ks noel -u noel .gnupg/pubring.gpg
In order to sign a key, you have to import the key into the keyring
where the signing key is located, and sign it there. Then you can export
the signed key again, now being augmented by a new signature. Signing
the keyring as a whole file is probably not what you want. If you want
to do the signing of a GnuPG key within the PGP realm, you shouldn't use
PGP 2.x or 5.x. (It is possible to import the PGP 2.x key into your
GnuPG ring and should be possible to sign the new GnuPG key with the
imported 2.x key).
Regards, Nils