DSA/ElGamal key not usable by PGP v7 (imports but won't encry pt)

Steve Butler sbutler@fchn.com
Thu Nov 1 17:39:01 2001

Warner, thanks for the info.  I'm definitely a neophyte here!

>> attempting to encrypt data to send to us is unable to use the new public
>> key.  They have PGP v7.  It attempts to encrypt but then blows up.  Their

>I have seen a couple of these issues in the last time, but don't know
>what the problem with PGP 7 is. 

>> pub  1024D
>> sub  2048g

>A small 'g' denotes type 16 (encrypt only) whereas a capital 'G'
>denotes type 20 (sign+encrypt).

>PGP should be able to use this key as this is the standard OpenPGP

Perhaps I've spotted something.  Perhaps I'm barking up the wrong tree.  It
appears that the preferences for our 1024 bit El Gamal key are different
than the preferences for our 2048 bit key.  It appears the difference is in
the list of acceptable session ciphers.

1024 key:  S10 S4 S3 H3 H2 Z2 Z1 (Ciphers: Twofish, Blowfish, Cast5, 3Des)
2048 key:  S7 S10 S3 S4 H3 H2 Z2 Z1 (Ciphers: Rijndael, Twofish, Cast5,
Blowfish, 3Des)

I'm going to see if I can change the preferences (thought I'd seen something
somewhere so will search the web again today) on the 2048 bit key to be the
same as the 1024 bit key.  Our partner was able to use the smaller key OK
but the EDI person wants to move up to the 2048 bit key.  I'll let you know
if that works (if I can get them changed).

--Steve Butler (neophyte)
Oracle DBA
First Choice Health Network

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