what command line to use to sign(non-exportable) public key?

Peter Kuhm peter.kuhm@plus.at
Sun Nov 25 03:03:01 2001

At 19:09 24.11.01 -0600, vj135doppa@yahoo.com wrote:

> i want to know what command line to use to sign(non-exportable) 
>somebodys  public key gnupg 1.06 gnu shell 2.01

gpg.man says:


--edit-key name
                 Present  a  menu which enables you to do all key
                 related tasks:

                 sign      Make a signature on key of  user  name
                           If  the  key  is not yet signed by the
                           default user (or the users given  with
                           -u),    the   program   displays   the
                           information of the key again, together
                           with  its fingerprint and asks whether
                           it should be signed. This question  is
                           repeated  for all users specified with

                 lsign     Same as --sign but  the  signature  is
                           marked   as  non-exportable  and  will
                           therefore never  be  used  by  others.
                           This  may  be  used to make keys valid
                           only in the local environment.

