Setting default UID.

David Shaw
Sun Sep 30 23:06:02 2001

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On Sun, Sep 30, 2001 at 12:48:48PM +0200, Cyril Bouthors wrote:

> I know that John Goerzen already asked at the end of july [1] how to
> change the default UID, Janusz A. Urbanowicz answered that "The
> 'default' textual UID is the last one added (determined by time of
> self-signing)". I'd like to know if there is a way to change the time
> of self-signing or a way to remove my own signatures foreach UID's and
> then resign them in the correct order.
The next version of GnuPG can do this the proper way, via a "primary user id" subpacket. In the meantime, you can do it this way: 1) "gpg -u my_key --edit my_key" 2) Select the uid number you want to be primary. 3) "delsig". gpg will prompt you for the sigs to delete. Delete the self-signature ONLY. 4) "sign". Follow the prompts. 5) "exit". Say "yes" to the "Save changes?" question. Note that if someone already has your key, and they add this version, they may end up with more than one self-signature on the new primary UID. This probably isn't harmful, but it does make the key a little bigger. Note also that if you have a key with multiple signing keys (i.e. the main signing key and also a signing subkey), you need to specify that you want the new self-signature to come from the MAIN key. David --=20 David Shaw | | WWW +--------------------------------------------------------------------------= -+ "There are two major products that come out of Berkeley: LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence." - Jeremy S. Anderson --oyUTqETQ0mS9luUI Content-Type: application/pgp-signature Content-Disposition: inline -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux) Comment: For info see iQEVAwUBO7eIgoccwqs8s7QVAQHWSAgAm1Y3GuV7jyGRQHNmVswsKqJUwdc9ScFK TqhhVD7nhX2LYvvjb96qxkH+XckFDFtqvuhIeBD36tpcQF4Uif8taUSFuwV6vRU2 /OomiPyZcMeFM1Nh0fXQtTzRpDSrNmTw5cOK3vsJhQflCaYXciH/5kVEFe+hCwGB hGH/JZ5J9atGp3tgr3yrMYxzNrMzVkBht5KEKPpqKL6HGrQftD15a82wZpmUygVw eB3QB/bgStDQK/A3Fsl9ELxTcn32iNU6HK53C2AZFwRwY+20ZdiTshA5BgyWCUUN RuII26AmFNQ0Wz9ozf9O50zowXMCCgv3Fh/IuDJAnTBlU6gie5B+XA== =1baL -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --oyUTqETQ0mS9luUI--