Can Netscape be made to verify PGP signatures, and more.
Jean-David Beyer
Sun Oct 14 21:12:01 2001
Can Netscape be made to verify PGP signatures (I guess a plug-in is
required). I see there seems to be one for Microsoft something or other
browser, but for Linux Netscape (I happen to have 4.78)? Likewise to
Can Netscape be made to PGP sign and/or encrypt messages?
I can use mutt to do it. So I have two e-mail addresses. I use one for
most everything and have Netscape read and write. I use the other for a
little and it goes through my sendmail and into mutt.
But I would prefer to do it all with one browser, and mutt would not be
.~. Jean-David Beyer Registered Linux User 85642.
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