How to accept only signed, encrypted messages automatically?
Eelco Vriezekolk
Tue Oct 16 17:03:02 2001
Please CC me, I am not on the list. I've read the docs, searched the list,
but cannot find an answer.
I have a script that receives, on STDIN, a signed, encrypted file. At least,
that is the idea; the script ought to reject anything that is not encrypted,
and anything that is not signed with one of the known public keys. Simple as
that, I can't get it to work. I am relying on the exitvalue, zero should
mean "signed with known, trusted signature, decryption OK", any other
exitvalue should indicate an error.
"gpg --decrypt" will accept messages that are not signed, which is very much
*not* what I want.
How can I make GnuPG decrypt and make sure that there is a trusted
signature, and have it indicate to me by exitvalue?
Please CC me, as I am not on the list.
Nexus Consultants cc, Eelco Vriezekolk <>
Phone: +264 61 252345 AOL IM: "vriezekolk"
Fax: +264 61 250392
Mobile: +264 81 2495182