Revoked keys on keyservers

Richard B. Tilley
Wed Oct 17 14:38:02 2001

Hello All,

I revoked some keys and sent them to the key servers several months ago. I checked the key servers today, and noticed that the revoked keys are still there. They show that they have been revoked of course, but my question is: how long do key servers keep revoked keys? Aren't these keys useless?

I also have a couple of keys that are still active, but I don't use them; they were for testing. Unfortunately, I never generated revocation certs for these keys, and I no longer have the secret keys. Is there anyway to remove these keys from the servers? In the future, I'll make off-site backups and revoke certs ASAP... even when playing around. 

Thanks in Advance,
Brad Tilley
"Linux... may the source be with you"