FW: Re: Differences in downloads
Drew Byer, ABCSites, Inc.
Wed Oct 17 16:47:01 2001
I am trying to get the GNU Privacy Guard to work on my WIN 2K system. I
have downloaded these two files:
> gnupg-1.0.6.tar.gz
> gnupg-w32-1.0.6.zip
Which file should I use for the software to work. I have unzipped both and
notice that they have different files.
The "tar" has files and folders, but none of the files are readable. The
"zip" has only files with one ".exe" file. When I run that file it opens my
command prompt, but when I type in the command "--gen-key" (in many
different formats) nothing happens. What am I missing or what needs to be
I did notice at this page:
It states under Supported Systems:
Windows 95/98/NT/2000/ME with x86 CPU works fine (you need a special setup
to build it).
Since it works with x86, I would assume it also works with P3's. Yes or No?
What is the special setup that is needed?
Drew Byer