Weird GPG problem - Newbie needs help.
Thu Oct 18 00:22:01 2001
Hello Everybody.
I'm just getting started with GPG and have a problem allready before my key
is finished. Maybe you can help.
When generating a key with GPG 1.0.6 I get following errormsg., presumably at
the end of the keygeneration (GPG asks me to do some actions and all that
stuff / writes those characters (+-.)). What's the problem with this and do
you suggest as a stategy to solve this problem?
gpg: [don't know]: invalid packet (ctb=67)
gpg: /home/qbert/.gnupg/pubring.gpg: copy to
failed: Ungültiges Paket
gpg: can't write public key: Ungültiges Paket
Schlüsselerzeugung fehlgeschlagen: Ungültiges Paket
"Ungültiges Packet" means "invalid paket"
"Schlüsselerzeugung fehlgeschlagen:" means "key generation failed"
Thanks in advance.
Kind regards
Phillip R.