Lost Cipher and Hash preferences

Steve Butler sbutler@fchn.com
Thu Apr 18 18:54:01 2002

One of our clients has a problem with PGP attempting to encrypt a file to
us.  It simply exists without an error message and with nothing encrypted.

I looked at the preferences for their key versus the preferences for our key
and noticed that our key is missing _all_ cipher and hash preferences!

leo:/home/oracle > gpg --no-batch --edit fchn 
Secret key is available.

pub  1024D/1B32D54B  created: 2001-10-16 expires: never      trust: f/u
sub  2048g/5A2CEA48  created: 2001-10-16 expires: never     
(1). First Choice Health Network (FCHN) <helpdesk@fchn.com>

Command> showpref
pub  1024D/1B32D54B  created: 2001-10-16 expires: never      trust: f/u
(1). First Choice Health Network (FCHN) <helpdesk@fchn.com>

Command> quit

How do I get the preferences back with GnuPG 1.06-2?

The our client's public key shows:
leo:/home/oracle > gpg --no-batch --edit VSP 

pub  1024D/03844E3A  created: 2001-02-20 expires: never      trust: -/q
sub  4096g/210BFAEA  created: 2001-02-20 expires: never     
(1). VSP Enterprise <VSP>

Command> showpref
pub  1024D/03844E3A  created: 2001-02-20 expires: never      trust: -/q
(1). VSP Enterprise <VSP>
     Cipher: CAST5, 3DES, [1]

Command> quit


Oracle Administrator
First Choice Health

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