gpg secure gateway feature

Steve Butler
Thu Aug 1 17:55:02 2002

Plus a Firewall, SPAM filter, along with a cook and bottle washer!

I run into the same mentality were I work.  Our file format developers
(Mercator) want to build exotic hooks into our Oracle database rather than
have nice clean interfaces that will work generically whether its to a
database or some other applications. 

This Unix concept of doing one thing (and only one thing) well seems to be a
foreign concept to most folks.  Reminds me of the difference between a
specialist and a generalist:

  Specialist -- knows more-and-more about less-and-less until knows
everything about nothing.

  Generalist -- knows less-and-less about more-and-more until knows nothing
about everything.

I've always wondered if that was the same point?

--Steve Butler
Oracle Administrator
First Choice Health Network

PS.  Please ignore the below warning.  The company's systems add it and I'm
unable to do anything to get it removed.  Just shows that government "Of the
People, By the People and For the People" will always do it "to the People"
given enough legislative freedom.  But let me crawl off that soapbox and
back into my heated and cable supplied cave.

-----Original Message-----
From: Frank Tobin []
Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2002 8:06 AM
Subject: Re: gpg secure gateway feature, on 2002-07-31, wrote:

> Is there any possibility, since network associates has thrown in the
> towel regarding PGP that GPG could re-integrate this options into the
> next release of GPG.  This would be very helpful, and provide a way
> for common users to create VPN tunnels.

Yet more evidence that if PGP had included an mp3 player, people would
expect one in GnuPG...

Frank Tobin

Gnupg-users mailing list

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