Detached signature on multiple files?
Greg Strong
Greg Strong <>
Thu Aug 15 20:44:03 2002
Hash: SHA1
Hello Ryan,
On Thu, 15 Aug 2002, at 10:36:52 [GMT -0500] your time you wrote in
RM> Not hardly... The equivalent Windows NT/2000 syntax would be:
RM> FOR %f IN (*.doc) DO gpg --detach-sign %f
This works but asks for passphrase each time.
When I export both public & secret key to another public & secret key
ring. I also remove the passphrase on the key. I then create a new
option file for GPGshell which points to new public & secret key rings,
then select the new option file, the above command works fine (i.e.
signs multiple files).
RM> Of course, you might want to pass your passphrase automatically to
RM> gpg using a pipe, like so: FOR %f IN (*.txt) DO echo
should be doc?
RM> passphrase|gpg --passphrase-fd 0 --detach-sign %f
This would be nice because I wouldn't have to remove passphrase & create
separate key rings. The command never asked for my passphrase. When
using a pipe doesn't the program have to ask for passphrase once. I am
on Win98, so is this command compatible with Win98? If no and on Win2k
wouldn't I still have to provide passphrase at least once?
RM> This works when typed directly on the command line, but for some
RM> reason, you have you use double for percent signs in front of the
RM> variable name in a windows batch file.
No problem but I need to get working on command line first. According to file:
--passphrase-fd n
Read the passphrase from file descriptor n. If
you use 0 for n, the passphrase will be read
from stdin. This can only be used if only
one passphrase is supplied. Don't use this
option if you can avoid it.
I am no programmer but do enjoy learning, so my question is what is
stdin? Is this some temporary file on Win2k or NT machine where the
passphrase is stored?
- --
Best regards,
Greg Strong
TB! v1.62/Beta1 on Windows 98
PGP public keys:
Version: GnuPG v1.1.91 (MingW32) - GPGshell v2.45
Comment: Greg Strong (Email Mail Lists KeyID 0xB1FE63FA)