GPG support in Mahogany

Fri Dec 13 17:53:02 2002

At 09:17 13/12/2002 +0000, Dick Gevers wrote:
> >So I would be happier to accept the sender's' wishes and, in cases
> >that seemed unnecessary, tell them that I preferred that they did
> >not use this form of message unless it was absolutely necessary.
>That is indeed the most elegant solution. And I must thank you that
>notwithstanding what you just told us you could still understand my
>point of view. You have my highest respect for that.
>Best wishes, sincerely,
>=Dick Gevers=

Likewise, Dick. A polite difference of opinion is a pleasure.
-- Tenui
PGP key:
3A6F F173 43E5 6DC4 48BA FF96 0FB9 7EF0 4E19 C1FF 

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