unattended revocation certificate generation?

Burkhalter Christoph chb@elca.ch
Mon Feb 11 11:33:01 2002

hi all,

I try to
- generate a key
- generate a revocation certificate
- and export the key in a skript.

The problem is, that what ever I try, the generation of the revocation
certificate is interactive. I always have to give the input by hand. Up to
now I tried the following:

echo "y\n1\n...." | gpg --output $5 --gen-revoke $3
gpg --output $5 --gen-revoke $3 < revoc-input-file
gpg --output $5 --gen-revoke $3<<EOF

Is there any solution to this problem?
Thanks in advance

-- chris

PS: the skript (most important lines):

# generate the key itself (from the input file 'input-data')
gpg --batch --gen-key --quiet --armor input-data

# generate the revocation certificate
gpg --output $5 --gen-revoke $3

# export the key
gpg --output $6 --export --armor $3