Length of public key

Daniel Rees dan@dwrees.co.uk
Wed Jul 10 14:31:01 2002

On Wed, 2002-07-10 at 01:40, Anthony E. Greene wrote:
> On 10-Jul-2002/00:17 +0100, Daniel Rees <dan@dwrees.co.uk> wrote:
> >I have uploaded my key to the wwwkeys.gpg.net keyserver, and have tested
> >sending and recieving it. After doing so however, I noticed that if I
> >export my public key using gpg in armor mode, the gpg public key is
> >about twice the length of the public key listed on the key server. Is
> >this normal?
> Yes.
> The key size reported by OpenPGP does not include signatures or extraneous
> data like the optional photograph. Also, armor increases the size of the
> data.

I feel really quite silly now, because I forgot to specify which key to
export so it exported all of the ones on my keyring.

i.e. I did:
$ gpg --export -a > key

...instead of
$ gpg --export -a $keyid > key


Daniel Rees // e-mail: dan@dwrees.co.uk // pgp key id: 227BB64B