kjsl.com stats/Re: DNS keyserver
Jason Harris
Wed Jul 10 22:21:02 2002
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On Wed, Jul 10, 2002 at 08:57:43PM +0200, Simon Josefsson wrote:
> "Brian M. Carlson" <karlsson@hal-pc.org> writes:
> > On Wed, Jul 10, 2002 at 06:31:22PM +0200, Simon Josefsson wrote:
> >> Are they that large?
> >
> > bmc@stonewall:/tmp$ gpg --no-armor --export c7a966dd 2>/dev/null | wc -c
> > 69184
> Ouch. Hm.
(Brian, you're missing some signatures for PRZ/0xC7A966DD. :)
This is from today on kjsl.com - http://keyserver.kjsl.com:11371/ :
info: found 244204 keys this keydb file
info: total key size: 288611203 bytes (275.24 MB)
info: keys: smallest =3D 83, largest =3D 59489, average =3D 1181.84 bytes
info: keys: smallest =3D 0x030C14F9, largest =3D 0xA61BC67D
info: found 244796 keys this keydb file
info: total key size: 289486310 bytes (276.08 MB)
info: keys: smallest =3D 72, largest =3D 59963, average =3D 1182.56 bytes
info: keys: smallest =3D 0x34CFE0E1, largest =3D 0xD5DA1E69
info: found 244419 keys this keydb file
info: total key size: 288798667 bytes (275.42 MB)
info: keys: smallest =3D 72, largest =3D 50124, average =3D 1181.57 bytes
info: keys: smallest =3D 0x37E9E92B, largest =3D 0x0525419B
info: found 244518 keys this keydb file
info: total key size: 289005811 bytes (275.62 MB)
info: keys: smallest =3D 70, largest =3D 52592, average =3D 1181.94 bytes
info: keys: smallest =3D 0x405DFD61, largest =3D 0x00BBAA09
info: found 245001 keys this keydb file
info: total key size: 289636504 bytes (276.22 MB)
info: keys: smallest =3D 71, largest =3D 55546, average =3D 1182.18 bytes
info: keys: smallest =3D 0x80D749DF, largest =3D 0x2DE30EC1
info: found 244589 keys this keydb file
info: total key size: 289034783 bytes (275.65 MB)
info: keys: smallest =3D 73, largest =3D 105322, average =3D 1181.72 bytes
info: keys: smallest =3D 0x6852081D, largest =3D 0xFAEBD5FC
info: found 245222 keys this keydb file
info: total key size: 289457153 bytes (276.05 MB)
info: keys: smallest =3D 78, largest =3D 133789, average =3D 1180.39 bytes
info: keys: smallest =3D 0xE52EEF41, largest =3D 0xC7A966DD
info: found 1712749 keys total
info: grand total key size: 2024030431 bytes (1930.27 MB)
Here are the largest keys (keyid then size of and SHA-1 hash over entire
db record):
07567455 40060 f012be755052d92e558dbaf1881b1c270772c822
AA2F369D 41443 d2c08278071c703aa1ff55662cab3481ad6ffaab
94C09C7F 41534 099111875c6aac6097796bc12e1c8cb98ba64009
40B7927C 41726 2943197445a448985c3e17379a842f40c54069c2
28A635C6 41890 f79891e15b9ded7a909038106d50fad4940e02c7
A9FA17FF 42653 ae79943f210eb2e2c23fedc63439703a0338ccc8
BC39A5CD 42756 8a2aeac407b89efa51a05c345ada3488d7c3c1e9
9D496584 43999 4ea8f281bda9c7bbd82e0529304a570b358ac40d
688E6CD9 47086 93679a596e396a9e2f876124681e442ad1123156
52D1CAB1 48062 3e9c85f4ddab5bc15b089906d92bed6a394725b7
D77B2094 48212 0b3402d30bfac5b85a65f1e448ea8ade7f3d2b1e
0525419B 50124 ed401248563267772131662b9f4068d13a597480
D83A22A1 51212 4ab6662760752cff81a30eef0c15dec54f5064ef
BB1D9F6D 52190 a64e9696ae7f51e58ea02915a9b8fd00be8765b3
00BBAA09 52592 50afdce1557a4d51e79585e218f1920b173b7a0b
09AC0A6A 53368 8120e1fdfa922d5edeabce66f2dd9892e2e74202
2DE30EC1 55546 2310762f7ae4e5e2fd4d500edc9d88daebb4c38d
77FF397A 55803 f469c2e9dcfde4485424dc525915646a01136974
09590CFD 57735 6bddde34f6da846cefe554fb6a756e074e4df553
A61BC67D 59489 d83672bfc8d015a69e38531c8e13eefad64b4240
D5DA1E69 59963 6b4c9ce5a4b9139be38b2223f6e2a8a91cb7d28c
FAEBD5FC 105322 a5c00d826ff4ba2d68d114e1b915c45daf29fc20
C7A966DD 133789 0e6cd4f42f4dc599069bcb7f921db8f2d60c42be
Jason Harris | NIC: JH329, PGP: This _is_ PGP-signed, isn't it?
jharris@widomaker.com | web: http://jharris.cjb.net/
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Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (FreeBSD)