Secure IM?
Joseph Bruni
Tue Jul 23 18:20:02 2002
Fire for OS X uses GPG for encryption of IM messages.
--- C Chadwick <> wrote:
> Has anyone created an application or plugin that uses GnuPG to encrypt
> messages sent through an instant messenger? Trillian used to have a secure
> option for ICQ chatting, but I don't know what type of implementation it
> used.
> People have been burned by logged chat messages (on their own machine) too
> many times. You'd think a IM client would be part of the GnuPG project.
> Would it make more sense to use something similar to SSH or SSL to do the
> secure IM or would a per message encrypting be more portable?
> -- Clint
PGP fingerprint:
886F 6A8A 68A1 5E90 EF3F 8EFA E2B8 3F99 7343 C1E3
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