1.0.7 ldap problems
David Shaw
Thu Jul 25 00:12:05 2002
On Wed, Jul 24, 2002 at 04:41:27PM +0200, Nico Schottelius wrote:
> Hello!
> Did not find any problem in the mailing list archive, so I am writing to you.
> Tried to compiled it, but got the attached ldap error. I had a look into
> ldap.h, which is correct.
> Can somebody point out where exactly the problem is why gnupg does not compile?
You need to upgrade your OpenLDAP to a more recent version. GnuPG 1.2
(when it is released) is able to deal with very old OpenLDAP installs,
but 1.0.7 needs a modern version.
If you don't want to upgrade your OpenLDAP, then build with
./configure --disable-ldap
David Shaw | dshaw@jabberwocky.com | WWW http://www.jabberwocky.com/
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