Encrypt and Sign - strange problem to open on Windows

Joseph syscon@telusplanet.net
Sat Jul 27 16:46:01 2002

On Fri, 2002-07-26 at 15:20, David Shaw wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 26, 2002 at 02:30:21PM -0600, Joseph wrote:
> > I've created a simple file encrypt it with the recipient public key ONLY
> > and he is able to decrypt the message on Windows
> > 
> > However, if I encrypt the same file an addition to his key to my key and
> > sign it, he is not able to decrypt the message; why?
> > 
> > Here is how my command look to encrypt the file with his public key, my
> > key and signature:
> > 
> > gpg -v --no-batch --comment "GPG ver. 1.0.7" -e -s -u xxxxxxxxxxxx -a
> > --no-default-keyring --secret-keyring /home/joseph/.gnupg/secring.gpg
> > --keyring /home/joseph/.gnupg/pubring.gpg -r xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -o
> > /home/joseph/text.doc.pgp /home/joseph/text.doc
> > 
> > I'm able to decrypt this file he is not, why?
> I only see one '-r' for recipient there.  Which one are you encrypting
> to (i.e. what's under the "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"?)
> David

Thanks David for your help.
I repeat the procedure yesterday and the fellow still can not decrypt
the file I sent him.  The file is encrypted to his key and my key plus
it is signed.  If I encrypt only to his key he can read open it.

Here is the command I used, there are two "-r".

gpg -v --no-batch --comment "http://www.sys-concept.com" -e -s -u
0245919ACED0E1FB7 -a --no-default-keyring --secret-keyring
/home/joseph/.gnupg/secring.gpg --keyring
/home/joseph/.gnupg/pubring.gpg -r 073E8434B8BA14EA7 -r
0335919ACED0E1FB7 -o /home/joseph/text.doc.pgp /home/joseph/text.doc
