Encrypt and Sign - strange problem to open on Windows

AARG! Anonymous remailer@aarg.net
Sun Jul 28 19:46:12 2002

Joseph [26/07/2002]:
> However, if I encrypt the same file an addition to his key to my key and
> sign it, he is not able to decrypt the message; why?
> Here is how my command look to encrypt the file with his public key, my
> key and signature:
> gpg -v --no-batch --comment "GPG ver. 1.0.7" -e -s -u xxxxxxxxxxxx -a
> --no-default-keyring --secret-keyring /home/joseph/.gnupg/secring.gpg
> --keyring /home/joseph/.gnupg/pubring.gpg -r xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -o
> /home/joseph/text.doc.pgp /home/joseph/text.doc

Use  '-r your_key -r his_key' instead of '-r xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'

(ie. make sure that the message is encrypted to both your and his key)