David Shaw
Tue Jun 18 15:36:06 2002
On Tue, Jun 18, 2002 at 08:54:28AM +0200, Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder wrote:
> On Mon, 2002-06-17 at 21:32, Johan Wevers wrote:
> > Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder wrote:
> >
> > > BUT - most public keyservers have serious flaws:
> > > - they don't accept a key with a photoid
> > > - they corrupt a key with multiple subkeys
> > >
> > > So actually everybody is waiting for newer keyservers to appear
> >
> > Not really. I doubt most people want to use multiple subkeys or photoid's.
> > My primary key is still a RSA v3 key, with no subkeys or photoid's, and I
> > have one DH key for the RSA-impaired.
> Ok, 'everybody' was a bit much...
> But while I agree that multiple subkeys probably never will be
> widespread, I feel that with no photoid support in the keyservers many
> new users will have problems, as once the gpg GUIs offer this feature
> people will want to use it.
I agree. We're already seeing questions come in now ("why can't I
send my key with a photo to the keyservers?"). What particularly
worries me is that while the photoid support is a harmless bug (it
just doesn't work, and causes no other harm), the multiple subkey bug
is very harmful (it just doesn't work, and breaks your key in the
I'm actually hoping that the more visible problem of photoid support
drives a fix for both.
David Shaw | | WWW
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