different fingeprint and uid after upload to keyserver
Jason Harris
Mon Jun 24 17:55:01 2002
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[See http://lists.gnupg.org/pipermail/gnupg-users/2002-June/013850.html
for the start of this thread. I'm CCing this reply to the
pgp-keyserver-folk list.]
On Mon, Jun 24, 2002 at 03:49:59PM +0200, Malte Gell wrote:
> > See /keyserver.html and /patches/ on my website (below) then access
> > your key at the kjsl.com keyserver:
> >
> > http://keyserver.kjsl.com:11371/
> I read both pages you mentioned and according to them wwwkeys.ch.pgp.net=
> has the patch No2 installed so I tried a RSA test key and tried ith=20
The patch is JHpatch2. I haven't released it yet, so only kjsl.com
is running it.
> with keyserver.kjsl.com:11371 but it didn't work with both servers, I=20
> have attached this test key, the ID and fingerprint have changed after=20
> uploading from 0x39BE64A8 to 0x565A7879 ("GnuPG-RSA-Test2")
This is a new key, not the one you originally mentioned. The first
one is fine on kjsl.com.
This new key, 0x39BE64A8, is a special case that I know I need to
handle in JHpatch2. Whoever wrote RFC2440 apparently assumed all
v4 keys would be over a certain size. 1024b v4 RSA keys wind up
having 0x98 as their first byte. The RFC, however, (incorrectly,
IMO) dictates that when calculating fingerprints (and therefore
keyids), the first byte must be 0x99. Bah!
Previously, I had only observed two "short" v4 RSA keys. However, there
are currently 51 !0x99 (all start with 0x98, see /code/pks-db-lister on
my website for the Perl program) keys in the kjsl.com db:
warning: bad first byte, B17150C6
warning: bad first byte, 20514F99 <- stored correctly
warning: bad first byte, 9870A05F
warning: bad first byte, 3709DC56
warning: bad first byte, 96A4D6FB
warning: bad first byte, 75965E11
warning: bad first byte, 2FB30F35 <- stored correctly
warning: bad first byte, 04F1A5FB
warning: bad first byte, A082CB5C
warning: bad first byte, 14C83F7F <- stored correctly
warning: bad first byte, 1D960293
warning: bad first byte, 54CABAD1
warning: bad first byte, 09A75137
warning: bad first byte, E143EA34
warning: bad first byte, 56FACBB0
warning: bad first byte, 4C141953
warning: bad first byte, 298319AE
warning: bad first byte, 4C762B35 <- stored correctly
warning: bad first byte, CE51EFE5
warning: bad first byte, 8330521F
warning: bad first byte, 54F44F63 <- stored correctly
warning: bad first byte, 4F94C5D0
warning: bad first byte, 66BB8E01
warning: bad first byte, 0FA5C329
warning: bad first byte, 382071D0
warning: bad first byte, F67AF3A5
warning: bad first byte, 2E41045C
warning: bad first byte, 942B9270
warning: bad first byte, AEEC8D37
warning: bad first byte, B486EEEA
warning: bad first byte, C17CC9EB <- stored correctly
warning: bad first byte, 208CFF60
warning: bad first byte, 4E492DBB
warning: bad first byte, E955126B
warning: bad first byte, E70DC0ED
warning: bad first byte, EDA95339
warning: bad first byte, 7826E85B <- stored correctly
warning: bad first byte, 402B0671 <- stored correctly
warning: bad first byte, 502FC6C8
warning: bad first byte, B32EE377 <- stored correctly
warning: bad first byte, 690DE1EF <- stored correctly
warning: bad first byte, C1819210
warning: bad first byte, CC933EAA
warning: bad first byte, 7D2B7705
warning: bad first byte, 85F2AF98
warning: bad first byte, 6A63C3AB
warning: bad first byte, A954972E
warning: bad first byte, EBB13F29 <- stored correctly
warning: bad first byte, 565A7879 <- your new test key
warning: bad first byte, 6AFA6FE3
warning: bad first byte, 8EBE21E7
For the curious, here is a gpg --with-fingerprint listing of the
keys, in the same order as above (w/email addresses scrubbed):
pub 768G/60C8274A 2001-07-18 PATO-Usuario (Pato-WC) <>
Key fingerprint =3D 4C4C 2951 B72A 6A55 DC99 E449 8FF9 0B94 60C8 274A
pub 1024R/20514F99 1998-11-25 Claus Tucher <>
Key fingerprint =3D B5 26 77 77 32 DB EB 10 9D FC 52 62 D3 B1 C6 7C
uid Claus Tucher <>
pub 1024R/1593C6EA 2002-06-10 Derek (Arrgg) <>
Key fingerprint =3D E4F2 2C9C ABD7 955A E15B 2170 B19E C8D9 1593 C6EA
pub 768G/D389EAFD 2001-02-03 DCL Test Key <>
Key fingerprint =3D C665 03BF 50E3 CE8E 3883 435E B19A 5300 D389 EAFD
uid DCL Test AddUid <>
pub 768G/ACCCE149 1999-10-30 Skuli Davidsson (SecSafSys) <>
Key fingerprint =3D 84EF 6D2A 74ED D666 EFCD 1339 FF53 303E ACCC E149
pub 1280R/B565716F 2002-05-05 Simon Josefsson <>
Key fingerprint =3D 0424 D4EE 81A0 E3D1 19C6 F835 EDA2 1E94 B565 716F
sub 1280R/4D5D40AE 2002-05-05 [expires: 2003-05-05]
pub 1024R/2FB30F35 2000-02-18 Wulff, Axel-M. <>
Key fingerprint =3D 4F F5 DC C1 EE 9D 76 77 49 75 08 25 A4 3B 83 62
pub 1024R/1FD7EE65 2002-05-17 Simon Josefsson <>
Key fingerprint =3D 2FA6 072D 3790 5546 40EC 5FA4 0D7A EEF2 1FD7 EE65
sub 1024R/574B6664 2002-05-17 [expires: 2002-11-13]
pub 1024R/C0B783BD 2002-05-19 michel pansanel (michelp) <>
Key fingerprint =3D 2471 1B18 68BC BC93 FDC5 2AF0 B7B8 D680 C0B7 83BD
pub 1024R/14C83F7F 2000-05-12 DO NOT USE THIS CERTIFICATE <>
Key fingerprint =3D C1 F4 F2 B9 DB CB 85 12 75 39 C5 0B D8 5C 42 C5
pub 1024R/EC2F171E 2002-02-28 Matthew Kwan <>
Key fingerprint =3D 940B 9F50 2ECC FDA6 12F0 8859 17E9 440E EC2F 171E
pub 1024R/1A1E966C 2002-05-10 Michael Sowka (RSA1@mainframe.sowka.com) <>
Key fingerprint =3D 4B39 4AF4 099D CBB3 A82B A621 9D3C 5E10 1A1E 966C
pub 1023R/A8680DD9 2001-11-07 Simon Josefsson <>
Key fingerprint =3D F78A F915 849B E81D 71DC 21E2 4C38 4D7A A868 0DD9
sub 1023R/40B4E729 2001-11-07 [expires: 2002-05-06]
pub 1024R/A57F754F 2002-05-23 Julien MALGHEM <>
Key fingerprint =3D 3950 43D7 BB08 B4A8 45BE AC39 1D38 B749 A57F 754F
uid Julien MALGHEM <>
uid Julien MALGHEM <>
pub 768G/26C6D30C 2000-12-01 playe julien (sans) <>
Key fingerprint =3D 11CE B77B ABDB B513 A924 3D11 D6BD C67C 26C6 D30C
pub 1024R/667474F2 2002-03-05 Trevor Zeegers <>
Key fingerprint =3D 1E92 A951 8A80 6876 9D40 9564 6DB9 00B0 6674 74F2
pub 1024R/5E86EBD6 2002-06-23 GnuPG-1.0.7-RSA-signing-only-Test
Key fingerprint =3D 4D96 55FE E113 4993 C46E FD22 84C4 D318 5E86 EBD6
pub 1024R/4C762B35 1999-11-30 Michael Weingartner <>
Key fingerprint =3D 77 2D 03 E8 92 6D 7A 24 38 F8 EC 8F 25 2D 8F 87
pub 1024R/1FC3C8C5 2000-10-22 test2 <>
Key fingerprint =3D 2C05 001A 6262 3ECA 63CF 4D3B A239 A58D 1FC3 C8C5
sub 1023R/3AFF53DD 2000-10-22=20
pub 1024R/C0B783BD 2002-05-19 michel pansanel (michelp) <>
Key fingerprint =3D 2471 1B18 68BC BC93 FDC5 2AF0 B7B8 D680 C0B7 83BD
pub 1024R/54F44F63 2000-12-18 Wischy, Markus Alexander; Z0005SGE Siemens <>
Key fingerprint =3D 63 83 F7 A7 05 A2 BB 0B FD F2 E3 F8 99 F2 CC 33
pub 1023R/A8680DD9 2001-11-07 Simon Josefsson <>
Key fingerprint =3D F78A F915 849B E81D 71DC 21E2 4C38 4D7A A868 0DD9
sub 1023R/40B4E729 2001-11-07 [expires: 2002-05-06]
pub 1024R/FA79B5E4 2002-02-26 Matthew Kwan <>
Key fingerprint =3D 5E29 7DA7 A44A FE7B BE88 DC05 563E 3897 FA79 B5E4
pub 1024R/862199F2 2002-05-28 Andrew Atangulov <>
Key fingerprint =3D 386E EE04 FDAC ED3C 6409 3FED A597 80FA 8621 99F2
pub 768G/935DCEDD 2000-07-14 Michael Schulze <>
Key fingerprint =3D 8836 BDFD 23BA 3AB1 6F7B FCB0 9A6A 3681 935D CEDD
pub 1024R/FA79B5E4 2002-02-26 Matthew Kwan <>
Key fingerprint =3D 5E29 7DA7 A44A FE7B BE88 DC05 563E 3897 FA79 B5E4
pub 1600R/6B896613 2002-05-28 Eugen B. Spamakowsky <>
Key fingerprint =3D E9EE A89A 5801 CF21 EC3D 7934 8575 8D70 6B89 6613
sub 1024R/D0AFE203 2002-05-28=20
sub 1024R/4B2D81E9 2002-05-28=20
pub 1024R/2065015A 2002-06-19 Nathan Hawk (^_^) <>
Key fingerprint =3D 468E 5E9E 6C36 0C7B F2D1 E9B7 36BD 3607 2065 015A
pub 1728R/1ABA5D0F 2002-05-07 Pawel I. Shajdo (zwon) <>
Key fingerprint =3D FB41 8B9E 46D7 A06B E1D8 675E 4A24 2A69 1ABA 5D0F
uid Pawel I. Shajdo (zwon) <>
sub 1024R/7C48FE82 2002-05-07 [expires: 2004-05-06]
pub 768G/952792EC 2001-02-03 DCL Pindos Test <>
Key fingerprint =3D 66E9 3C4A 4441 7DD3 5363 39FF FBA6 F93C 9527 92EC
pub 1024R/C17CC9EB 2000-08-16 Michel Mueller <>
Key fingerprint =3D 4F D2 35 E3 7A 78 49 AA 84 6E 16 FE CA 74 F0 8F
uid Mueller, Michel; Z0002UGN, Siemens <>
pub 768g/E1D81275 1998-02-09 werner <>
Key fingerprint =3D 86E2 6681 6C0B 6DD5 4C06 BA6C E113 9763 E1D8 1275
pub 1024R/36D34C15 2001-07-06 John Spicer <>
Key fingerprint =3D 4505 A13C D8F3 D671 06C4 F27A 2B19 BC8B 36D3 4C15
pub 1024R/667474F2 2002-03-05 Trevor Zeegers <>
Key fingerprint =3D 1E92 A951 8A80 6876 9D40 9564 6DB9 00B0 6674 74F2
pub 1280R/B565716F 2002-05-05 Simon Josefsson <>
Key fingerprint =3D 0424 D4EE 81A0 E3D1 19C6 F835 EDA2 1E94 B565 716F
sub 1280R/4D5D40AE 2002-05-05 [expires: 2003-05-05]
pub 1024R/66C22D2A 2002-06-14 Holger Imbery <>
Key fingerprint =3D 3DDD 47A6 272C 0141 25B9 68B1 C3F8 61D8 66C2 2D2A
pub 1024R/7826E85B 2000-08-16 Weisskopf, Roman; Z0002USX, Siemens <>
Key fingerprint =3D 8A 33 8A 4E 49 3B 46 2C F4 07 E5 84 EC 82 FB E5
pub 1024R/402B0671 1998-02-10 Peter Chambers <>
Key fingerprint =3D 51 D6 32 CA 4E 1B 7C 40 6A C6 73 0D 17 88 FA 5D
uid Chambers, Peter <>
pub 1728R/1ABA5D0F 2002-05-07 Pawel I. Shajdo (zwon) <>
Key fingerprint =3D FB41 8B9E 46D7 A06B E1D8 675E 4A24 2A69 1ABA 5D0F
uid Pawel I. Shajdo (zwon) <>
sub 1024R/7C48FE82 2002-05-07 [expires: 2004-05-06]
pub 768R/B32EE377 2000-02-23 bla
Key fingerprint =3D FA 61 BB DC A7 0C BE F9 4B FF 2D E0 A3 F2 7E 75
pub 1024R/690DE1EF 2001-10-02 Sonderegger, Reto; Z000AQ9Y Siemens <>
Key fingerprint =3D AF A8 B2 B7 FC 09 C6 8B D4 1D 53 72 CC 3F 34 93
pub 1024R/1144E223 2002-05-21 joker.com signer service (This key is used t=
o sign outgoing messages only.) <>
Key fingerprint =3D 8EC2 887F C814 D60D 73A9 B1D5 26DD E134 1144 E223
pub 1024R/40825031 2002-06-14 Torsten Veller <>
Key fingerprint =3D 6883 4492 E093 4A19 83B4 5B89 8F1D E81A 4082 5031
uid Torsten Veller <>
pub 1024R/1FD7EE65 2002-05-17 Simon Josefsson <>
Key fingerprint =3D 2FA6 072D 3790 5546 40EC 5FA4 0D7A EEF2 1FD7 EE65
sub 1024R/574B6664 2002-05-17 [expires: 2002-11-13]
pub 1024R/EE131C09 2002-06-12 rene <>
Key fingerprint =3D 4796 83ED A8E4 E753 A787 1384 BC9C E493 EE13 1C09
pub 1024R/5AF7C501 2002-06-06 Toshiharu Harada (Harada) <>
Key fingerprint =3D 299F 73E3 45E0 A7DE 1FCA 563A 63AC 00CF 5AF7 C501
sub 1024R/AB87E68A 2002-06-06=20
pub 1024R/ADE821BC 2002-06-24 GnuPG-RSA-Test
Key fingerprint =3D 2B0D CE36 ED9E 43CA 637B 01E4 12A8 FFE9 ADE8 21BC
sub 1024R/78A9FA18 2002-06-24=20
pub 1024R/EBB13F29 2000-05-19 WALDMANN, KLAUS; ZZZZZZZF, SIEMENS <>
Key fingerprint =3D 79 89 45 BC 7E 27 82 33 A9 B1 5A D0 16 A3 7B 9E
pub 1024R/39BE64A8 2002-06-24 GnuPG-RSA-Test2
Key fingerprint =3D 9080 8F35 CBC3 7386 05F3 EA34 0487 A5C9 39BE 64A8
sub 1024R/A104AA0B 2002-06-24=20
pub 1024R/EC2F171E 2002-02-28 Matthew Kwan <>
Key fingerprint =3D 940B 9F50 2ECC FDA6 12F0 8859 17E9 440E EC2F 171E
pub 1024R/36D34C15 2001-07-06 John Spicer <>
Key fingerprint =3D 4505 A13C D8F3 D671 06C4 F27A 2B19 BC8B 36D3 4C15
> Nevertheless, thanks for you efforts, you seem to be working on that=20
> issues.
You're welcome.
Jason Harris | NIC: JH329, PGP: This _is_ PGP-signed, isn't it?
jharris@widomaker.com | web: http://jharris.cjb.net/
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Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (FreeBSD)