sign a key to the key ring

Leigh S. Jones, KR6X
Sat Jun 29 00:55:02 2002

Begin with 

gpg --edit [key ID]<return>

I suggest using the 8 character hex key ID for the key.  GnuPG enters
the edit mode, asking you for commands.  Type help for a list of
commands available.  You can "sign" or "lsign".  "lsign" is 
non-exportable and will suit your requirements.  You may be able
to do what you want by setting the trust level to about 2 or 3 (command:

Note that you will probably have to set the active UID before 
"sign"-ing.  To do this, type "uid" then enter a number. The 
active UID will show up with an asterisk*.  It's possible to
select multiple UID's

Note that one of the tricks of the edit operations is to finish up by
also "changing" your password, by typing "passwd" and re-entering
your existing password.  (this only applies to certain operations on
the secret key)  When done, none of the changes have yet been 
placed into the database until you type "save".  "save" will also 
exit gpg.

If you "setpref", then you need to "updpref" before "save". 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jomy Vellian" <>
To: "'Leigh S. Jones, KR6X'" <>; <>
Sent: Friday, June 28, 2002 15:27
Subject: sign a key to the key ring

> Hi,
> Could you please tell me what command I should use to sign a key on
> my key ring.
> I am using gpg 1.0.6 in solaris 8
> example:
> vftp# gpg .................
> When I decrypt a file I am getting following WARNING----
> Could not find a valid trust path to the key.  Let's see whether we
> can assign some missing owner trust values.
> No path leading to one of our keys found.
> gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
> thanks,
> jomy..