1.0.7 and '--digest-algo MD5'

Malte Gell malte_gell@t-online.de
Sat May 4 23:56:01 2002

Am Samstag, 4. Mai 2002 22:27 schrieb Norbert Tretkowski:
> * Stefan Bellon wrote:
> > Norbert Tretkowski wrote:
> > > is there a problem with 1.0.7 and the option '--digest-algo MD5'?
> > > gnupg does nothing when I use that option.
> >
> > What command did you give gpg? --digest-algo is an option, not a
> > command, so it won't do anything on its own. It depends on the comman=
> /usr/bin/gpg --digest-algo MD5 -a -u "$PGPSigner" -o $pgptmpf.txt.asc \
> =09--no-tty --batch --passphrase-fd 2 2<$PathtoPGPPass --clearsign \
> =09$pgptmpf.txt
> It's from a perl script. This works fine with 1.0.6, but does nothing w=
> 1.0.7.

Maybe it's  gpg --print-md md5  testfoo  you're looking for ? This works =
me with 1.0.7 ...
