A GnuPG GUI for Linux (KDE 3)

pplf pplf@wanadoo.fr
Mon Nov 11 12:43:01 2002


For info, there is a new GUI for KDE 3 : KGPG 0.9

Some screenshots : http://devel-home.kde.org/~kgpg/screenshots.html

It still needs some improvements, but it is interesting.

Sources : http://devel-home.kde.org/~kgpg/index.html

Some RPM and SRPM for Mandrake 9.0 are in the Mandrake FTP /contrib and 
here : http://membres.lycos.fr/billery/586mdk_9.0/kgpg-0.9-mdk.i586.rpm


pplf - French OpenPGP page    <pplf@wanadoo.fr>
"OpenPGP en francais"         PGP: 8263 8399 2074 5277 a6d3
http://www.openpgp.fr.st           622d 1b66 ea3d caa0 8c94