deletion of photo id
Tue Oct 15 17:29:01 2002

> Message: 14 Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2002 15:29:10 -0400 From: David Shaw
> <> To: Subject: Re:
> deletion of a photo-id
> On Mon, Oct 14, 2002 at 03:15:10PM -0400, wrote: >
> is there a way to delete a photo id completely from a key? [ gnupg
> 1.2.0 ] > > {can the deluid command be used to refer to the photo id
> as a user > id and remove it ?}
> Yes.  There is also a delphoto command that does the same thing.
> David

what is the proper syntax for the delphoto command ?
{couldn't find it in the under  --edit-key }
tried all the following variations and got the same error message:

This key may be revoked by DSA key 7B534E2D boo <boo@key.test>
pub  1024D/46D7F7C7  created: 2002-06-30 expires: never      trust: u/u
sub  1024g/DF22F970  created: 2002-06-30 expires: never
(1). gpgshell <gpgshell@g>
(2)  [jpeg image of size 4095]

Command> delphoto
You must select at least one user ID.

Command> delphoto gpgshell
You must select at least one user ID.

Command> delphoto [jpeg image of size 4095]
You must select at least one user ID.

Command> delphoto DF22F970
You must select at least one user ID.

Command> delphoto 46DF7F7C7
You must select at least one user ID.


