cannot get sylpheed to do encryption

Tue Oct 15 20:54:01 2002

Hello Graham,

On Tue, 15 Oct 2002 19:33:50 +0100
Graham <> wrote: 

> Yes, you can verify/sign inline, but you cannot decrypt inline coded 
> messages sent to you automatically.  You have to copy the GPG text and 
> paste it into Seahorse or GPA or some other key editor and decrypt it 
> there.  However, if you receive a message encrypted by PGP/MIME, 
> Sylpheed will decrypt it automatically.

No, you can use Actions for decrypting as well, using

*gpg --no-tty --command-fd 0 --passphrase-fd 0 --decrypt %f|

in your 'Command line' setting in Actions. There's no need
for all that copy/paste stuff with external programs.

best regards
