
George Schoelles
Wed Oct 30 02:21:01 2002

I had the same problem that was fixed with Version 1.2.1-1 note the

> hello gnupg-users,
> after unpacking, the gnupg 1.2.1 on a win2k box into the
> c:\program files\gnupg directory, the gpg.exe is:
> gpg.exe - unable to locate dll
> the dynamic link library ADVAPI32 could not be found in the specified
> path bla bla bla
> i'm not sure whether this is a gnugp problem, but can someone help me
> with this?
> path to gpg is set.
> so is the path 2 advapi32.dll, as it's in the winnt\system32
> it doesn't work even when the .dll is copied over to the gpg dir.
> thnx in advance,,

George Schoelles <>