make check problem

Ross Druker
Thu Aug 14 21:13:35 2003

After running make, I ran make check as suggested.

Was fine until it got to this point.  Looks like a shell syntax error:

Making check in checks
        make  check-TESTS
./version.test[3]: test: ] missing
./version.test[3]: test: ] missing

It didn't seem to affect the testing, since a few passed, but then got a lot of
failures.  23 of 25 failed.  Here's a bit of output.  Should these work?:

PASS: mds.test
./decrypt.test[3]: test: ] missing
./decrypt.test[3]: test: ] missing
FAIL: decrypt.test
./decrypt-dsa.test[3]: test: ] missing
./decrypt-dsa.test[3]: test: ] missing
FAIL: decrypt-dsa.test
./sigs.test[3]: test: ] missing
./sigs.test[3]: test: ] missing

Ross Druker                                      Rohm and Haas Co.                             Philadelphia, PA
(215) 592-3281
The opinions expressed are mine and not those of Rohm and Haas Company.