feature request: allowing display of session key used for encryption

vedaal at hush.com vedaal at hush.com
Wed Dec 10 14:11:33 CET 2003

would it be possible to have an option to allow for displaying the session
key that is being used during encryption?
(with the appropriate cautions about potential insecurity)

this would allow a sender who is encrypting only to the receiver's key,

to store the encrypted message, together with its session key
(the session key then encrypted to one of the sender's keys,
and saved together with a copy of the sent encrypted message)

this would allow for the sender to decrypt the sender's copy at a later
and allow for sender anonymity of the e-mail message in cases where the
receiver may prefer not to use the throw keyid option 

{i.e. with  pgp correspondents ;-)  }


with Respect,


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