Output file to specific directory?

Josh Huber huber at alum.wpi.edu
Wed Dec 17 11:29:22 CET 2003

"Peter Schott" <pschott at drivefinancial.com> writes:

> The main thrust of the thread was whether it was possible to output
> to a specified directory without needing to know the filename as
> well - just whatever comes out, place in directory X.  Seems the
> only way to do that is by specifying the directory as part of the
> output file name.  That answers my question.  May not have been the
> answer I wanted, but I can make it work other ways.

It seems like it.  Does the windows command shell have any features
like the following?

DIR=$(dirname $FULLNAME)
FILE=$(basename $FULLNAME)

echo $FULLNAME, in dir: $DIR, file name: $FILE, no extension: $FILE_NOEXT

/tmp/secret.gpg, in dir: /tmp, file name: secret.gpg, no extension: secret

Josh Huber

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