[cleek@cleekhouse.com: gpg and subkeys]
David Shaw
Mon Jul 28 03:04:02 2003
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On Sun, Jul 27, 2003 at 05:18:51PM -0400, Brian Minton wrote:
> I don't really know enough about subkeys, what do you think?
> I've been playing around a bit with subkeys. All the documentation I
> can find indicatest that gpg will first use a subkey to sign if possible
> rather than the master key. This would be indicated with an error
> message along the lines of "using secondary key <keyid> instead of
> primary key <keyid>". However, when I generate an additional subkey and
> then sign a document, I don't get that error message, and in fact gpg
> indicates that it's using the primary key to sign. =20
> Do you have any experience with this? I'm running gpg 1.0.6
I'll throw out a possibly silly question: the new subkey that was
generated is a signing key, right?
Content-Type: application/pgp-signature
Content-Disposition: inline
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3rc1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Key available at http://www.jabberwocky.com/david/keys.asc