[OT?] No more financial support for GnuPG

Per Tunedal pt@radvis.nu
Thu May 15 09:09:01 2003

Hash: SHA1


At 20:41 2003-05-14 +0200, you wrote:
 >On Tue, 13 May 2003 22:46:14 +0200, Juergen Fenn said:
 >> According to German IT news service heise.de the German Federal
 >> Government will no longer sponsor development of GnuPG:
 >Advertised bidding with fair treatment of Free Software companies are
 >of course a good solution to foster the development of Free Software.
 >In my experience, those tenders often stress too often the money
 >saving factor and do not consider the extra value given by non-vendor
 >lock-in and better standard compliance.  Support contracts are also a
 >good revenue source but there are too many answers already available
 >on the net .-) so that companies might not consider to seek for
 >commercial support.

The Swedish government is actively working for more use of free software in
the administration, mainly because MS Office licenses costs them to much.
They recently have made a public list of all Swedish companies offering any
kind of products or services related to free software.

I have offered support for GnuPG and related programs and for some other
free software through one of my businesses: Clipanish. Now I am on the
official list. I am waiting for orders and invitations to public tenders!

If I succeed I will a) have more time to spend on translations etc b)
forward some revenue to the GnuPG project.


 >   Werner

Per Tunedal

Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (MingW32) - GPGrelay v0.92
