Migrating PGP 6.0.2 to GPG

shivaram mikkilneni shivaram.mikkilneni at patni.com
Wed Nov 26 09:18:44 CET 2003

Hi Guys ,

I want to know how to migrate the existing accounts and PGP (Version: PGP
6.0.2) keys into a GPG environment.

My thought is that we should isolate the GPG stuff under one directory path
directory1 and the temporary work area in /tmp/gpg.

The GPG application binaries and end-user application code (cron jobs)
should be stored under different directory2 paths.

I want know how to move PGP keys to a GPG keyring.

These keyrings contain our private and public encryption keys and the public
keys from our vendors.I also want to know the command line usage for PGP/GPG
in order to script a solution for migrating the keys.

Your help in this regard is highly appreciated.


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