OT How can I reactivate my subscription

Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder avbidder at fortytwo.ch
Wed Nov 26 20:36:12 CET 2003

On Wednesday 26 November 2003 12:20, TEST Tunedal.nu wrote:
> Hi,
> I used to subscribe at this list using the address pt at radvis.nu . I am
> subscribed but cannot receive any mail since my mailbox was full in
> august. Now my mail is working OK but gpg-users-list doesn't mail me
> any more.
> I cannot subscribe again as I am already subscribed. How can I contact
> any human responsible for the gpg-users list to fix the problem?

You may not need to. Go to

> http://lists.gnupg.org/mailman/listinfo/gnupg-users

and maybe you're able to reactivate your subscription. Haven't looked at that 
webiterface, though - if it's not possible, gnupg-users-owner -at- gnupg.org 
should go to the listmaster.

-- vbi

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