Why isn't this old and very trusted PGP key accepted by GPG?

Neil Williams linux at codehelp.co.uk
Mon Oct 13 22:06:13 CEST 2003

On Monday 13 Oct 2003 8:40 pm, Ingo Klöcker wrote:
> On Monday 13 October 2003 21:02, Baby Peanut wrote:
> > $ gpg --import Victor_A_Abell.pgp

Looks like the exported file is missing some data, perhaps it's old?

> > gpg: this may be caused by a missing self-signature
>        ----------------------------------------------

There's a perfectly valid public key for that ID at:

> > Why isn't this old and very trusted PGP key accepted
> > by GPG?
> gpg told you why (see above).

It's only the Victor_A_Abell.pgp file that has a problem/corruption.

Check the fingerprint (shown on the first link above), you should find it's 
the same key.

If there are missing signatures perhaps, try importing the valid one and then 
the file one, sometimes GnuPG is clever enough to fix import problems when it 
has something to work with.

Otherwise, contact the person directly and ask them to export the key again. 

Neil Williams

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