Using the "preferred keyserver URL" in GnuPG 1.4

David Shaw dshaw at
Tue Dec 21 15:01:22 CET 2004

On Tue, Dec 21, 2004 at 03:19:57AM -0500, Todd wrote:
> David Shaw wrote:
> > GnuPG 1.4 adds a new "preferred keyserver" feature, that lets you
> > include a URL with your key and/or with signatures you issue to help
> > the recipient know where and how to get your key.
> This is a damn cool feature.  Thanks for adding it!
> I have a few questions about it after poking around with it briefly.
> > To add a URL to your key, follow these steps:
> >
> > 1) gpg --edit-key (yourkey)
> > 2) keyserver (yoururl)
> > 3) save
> Doing this, I was surprised to find that the revoked user ids on my
> key were now not shown as revoked.  I'm guessing that's due to the new
> signature added when the preferred keyserver was added?  I ended up
> selecting the non-revoked user ids and then using the keyserver
> command.  Is this the intended way to go about things?  It seemed
> rather unintuitive at first glance.

Different result, but underneath it's the same bug that Simon
Josefsson saw.  Try the patch I just sent to the list.

> > The URLs can be:
> [...]
> >   http for a file on the web
> >       for example:
> I tried using a URL.  When I tested it I received this
> message from gpg:
>     Key available at:
>     requesting key D654075A from http server
>     no valid OpenPGP data found.
>     requesting key D654075A from hkp server
> Again I'm just guessing, but I figure it's because redirects
> to where my current ISP gives me some webspace.  I'd like to be able
> to put a preferred keyserver url in my key and signatures that won't
> change often, hence the url would be nice to use.  Is it a
> conscious decision not to follow redirects or just a limitation of the
> gpg http code (or a complete misunderstanding on my part, hehe)?

Good guess - it is indeed that the http code does not follow
redirects.  I have to think about how best to handle this.


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