host not found: ec=11001

Henk-Piet Glas henk-piet.glas at
Fri Dec 24 09:17:13 CET 2004

David Shaw wrote:

> Wait a moment.  I thought (...) the correct one.

Turns out both work. Just tried it (I am using XP). In both
tests  I  made  sure to start with a fresh environment i.e.
neither HTTP_PROXY nor  http_proxy  exists  initially. Only
one is set  before verifying. Werner is right about windows
SET. Doing:

    SET GLAS="aap"
    SET glas="noot"

Results in a single variable:


Yet in all cases I work from cygwin and after:

    export GLAS="aap"
    export glas="noot"

I have one lower and one upper  case  environment  variable
called glas. When  I  say "both work" I  mean  both exports
work. I am now using http-proxy[=value].

Henk-Piet Glas                             Support Engineer
E-mail: at            Altium Software BV
Voice:   +31-33-455 85 84                        Saturnus 2
Fax:     +31-33-455 55 03                3824 ME Amersfoort
WWW:              The Netherlands
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