Are .ems attachments necessary?

W. D. WD at
Thu Feb 5 17:14:52 CET 2004

Hi people,

I just joined this group a few days ago, and am finding
that some of the email messages are contained in .ems
attachments.  I don't understand why this is necessary.
Can't the text be put in the body of email?

To me these .ems attachments add a whole level of
unnecessary complication to the situation.

Also, I've found that emails from "Alfred M. Szmidt" crash
Eudora 5.1, so I've had to set up a filter to trash
those emails rather than having to reboot each time Eudora
brings Windows down.  (Yes, I know Windows is crappy.  I
have several other computers running FreeBSD, & Linux)

Can anyone explain why these .ems attachments are required?

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