gnupg API access

Adrian von Bidder avbidder at
Fri Jan 9 13:09:16 CET 2004

On Tuesday 06 January 2004 16:01, Dominik wrote:

> btw: the enigma project for mozilla mail seems to use the command line
> utility directly, the console contains the output of it. But that cant
> be the preferred way, is it? What do they do with localized versions of
> gpg?!?


Don't know anything about the gpgme library. But to access gnupg directly, you 
don't parse the normal userinterface, but you use the --status-fd, 
--passphrase-fd  and --command-fd (and perhaps --attribute-fd) arguments, 
this interface should be stable and will not be localized.

Can't say about docs, haven't played around with this myself.

-- vbi

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