Corruption of archive files with afio and gpg

Marcus Williams marcus at
Wed Jan 14 14:58:38 CET 2004

Hi -

I saw an earlier message on this list about getting corrupted files
within an afio archive when using gpg to "compress" the afio files. I
have the same intermittent problem. I'm using a slightly different cmd

find *|afio -b 10240 -c 1000 -o -Z -U -P gpg -Q --symmetric \
            -Q --passphrase-fd=3 -Q --no-verbose \
            -Q --batch -Q --no-options -3 3 \
            /dev/nst0 \

I get errors about various files failing to compress like "afio:
/path/to/some/file: Error zipping file, written damaged copy to
archive". Again, without gpg there are no errors. In an archive of
about 700000 files I'm seeing probably 50-100 files corrupt.

Has anyone any ideas?



Marcus Williams --
Quintic Ltd, 39 Newnham Road, Cambridge, UK
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