Scripts for importing data from PGP to GnuPG

Eugene Kotlyarov ekot at
Sun Jun 6 16:54:50 CEST 2004


   If anyone is interested I made two WSH scripts for importing some
data from PGP to GnuPG. First one is for importing ownertrust values. It 
is analog of lspgpot mentioned in FAQ, but it doesn't require bash and 
awk. Second is for importing groups, it requires commandline PGP to run. 
Both scripts require WSH version 5.6 to run. It is available by default 
in Windows XP and higher. For previous Windows versions update is 
available at Microsoft site.

File is here

SHA1 hash for it is 6217 1D7A B3E9 D52D 26C0  AD70 710A E7E1 973C 79C4

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