CTRL-D not working?!

Moshe Sambol moshe at splitc.com
Thu Mar 18 02:02:18 CET 2004


You are correct, at least as far as gpg!  Thanks!

(One caveat:  it's CTRL-Z followed by enter, as opposed to the behavior
of CTRL-D, which interrupts all by itself, without having to be followed
by enter.)


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Steve Butler" <sbutler at fchn.com>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2004 1:51 AM
Subject: RE: CTRL-D not working?!

I thought CTRL-Z was end-of-file on Bill's O/S (Windows and/or MSDOS).
CTRL-D serves that function on Unix type boxes.

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