[OT?]: Keyserver / Subkeys / replicating selfsigs

Sascha Lüdecke sascha at meta-x.de
Mon May 10 22:20:00 CEST 2004

Hi David, hi all!

David Shaw <dshaw at jabberwocky.com> writes:

>> >> 2. Problem:  replicating selfsigs
>> >> =================================
>> >> 
>> >> a)  what can I do to get rid of this selfsigs
>> >> b)  how can I stop the keyserver or gnupg from replicating this sigs?
>> >
>> > You can't win.  Give up.
>> I do :)  But I am left with a massive self-signed key.  Any way to
>> remove the extra ones?
> You can use gpg --edit-key and the "delsig" command to remove any
> signature you don't want.  However, if you refresh the key from the
> server, the signatures will come back.

Yup, noticed that.  So the fighting began ...

Besides that:  thanks to Werner and all the others who made a great
product.  Keep up the good work!


Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.
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