Self-sigs with trusted key

Ivan Boldyrev boldyrev+nospam at
Sun May 30 16:50:45 CEST 2004

On 8760 day of my life David Shaw wrote:
>> I do not understand why third UID is not valid while it has self-sig
>> with trusted key?
> That's now how trust works.  You can't sign your own key to make it
> valid.  Neither can Werner ;)
> If you think about it, this makes sense.

Agree.  I asked just to be sure :)

> If this wasn't true, then there would be no point in having
> different validity levels on different user IDs since all user IDs
> would become as trusted as the key as a whole.

All user IDs will be valid if key is valid and trusted (i.e. I have
called 'trust' in --edit-key).  I have some keys that are valid but
are not trusted.  Werner's key is both valid and trusted...

OK, I am satisfied with your answer, thank you.

Another question: is default of --min-cert-level is 1 as man-page
states?  I have different results with

$ gpg --min-cert-level 1 --update-trustdb


$ gpg --update-trustdb

I use gpg (GnuPG) 1.3.6.  The option is not changed in any
configuration file.

Ivan Boldyrev

                                                  Is 'morning' a gerund?
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