How to decrypt message digest with multiple encrypted messages ?

Max Mustermann anonymous at
Wed May 26 12:00:17 CEST 2004

Hi List

I'm a Win XP user 

I have a file which is a digest of some 10 or more PGP
encrypted messages. (10 independent messages in 1 single *.asc
file )

When I try to decrypt this file using GPG, GPG decrypts the
first message - but does *not* decrypt the later ones

Here's what I've tried and failed :

- When I use GPG shell -> current window - decrypt (right click
on the GPG shell "lock Icon" on tray) , the first message alone
displays on the GPG Tray - Editor. Rest are *not* displayed

- Same results when I use GPG shell -> clipboard - decrypt
the first message alone displays on the GPG Tray - Editor

- Same results when I try command line GPG
the first message alone is copied into the decrypted file

any solutions ? 
... other than decrypting one message at a time !!!


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