(foulty) revoking key

Rafał Rudnicki rafal at rudnicki.com.pl
Wed Nov 17 09:23:51 CET 2004

while experimenting with keys I executed several careless steps and now seek 
some way out of the situation

steps executed:
- generated a proper pair of keys
- generated revoke-cert (revoking certyficate / key)
- did send the public key to keyserver
- double clikked (by mistake) the revoke-cert file, that effected with 
revoking my key (locally, on my PC)
- I DID NOT send the revoked key to key server (so the revoked key still is 
present there as a valid key)
- deleted from HD all files related to the "old" / revoked key (public key, 
secret key, revocation file, all backups (it was done very effectively, I can 
not recover thye files even with a solid file recovery software)

the problem: how to revoke / delete the not valid key from keyserver having 
nothing else but the public key on this server and assphrase ?

I have GnuPG 1.2.3 and GnuPG Shell 
Rafał Rudnicki

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