Cannot remove key from key server?

Henry Andrew anhny at
Tue Nov 30 15:28:09 CET 2004


I am trying to remove an old key from MITs key server and i'm not sure
how to do this and would appreciate some help.

Om MITs site they say that you cannot remove a key but you can upload a
revocation certificate.  Does this mean that I use --gen-revoke for my
key or do I edit the key first and use the revkey command??

I tried the second option to revoke a subkey (not really understanding
what the effect of this will be), then generatde an armoured public key
and tried to upload that to the server cia their web interface, and the
key server gave the following fail message:

Public Key Server -- Add

Key block added to key server database.
  New public keys added: 1
Your key block contained 1 format errors,
which were treated as if the erroneous elements
hadn't been part of your submission.
The last error was on key 0x7ebf7222:
Key block corrupt: subkey revocation not supported

Now, back to the photo question.  This key has a photo attached, and
when I tried to --gen-revoke and upload the key, the server gave another
message, but said there were no new keys in the text.  I then thought
that maybe I had uploaded this key before adding the photo, so I took
the photo UID away and tried again, which resulted in the error above.
Assuming that the photo *did* exist when I uploaded the key [to another
server], then how can I revoke it?

Thanks for all and any help!

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