[outlgpg] Outlook 2003 problems

Richard Sperry rsperry79 at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 10 19:51:14 CEST 2005

The issue you have is caused from the newer version of
GnuPG.  Timo is doing a great job of writing a newer
version, but with all new releases it takes time to
find the bugs. 

for a working beta of my Ol03 installer goto

The installer takes care of some of the OL issues and
uses the .94 plug-in for stability. 

It also has Winpt for keymanager, GnuPG 1.4.2 and
GpgEE .  I have tried to write it stupid friendly so
everything is set in theroy.  For security reasons  I
set the keys and conf into the userdocs. I recomend
using EFS if you are on XP Pro.  

I would like any feedback you have.

--Richard Sperry

--- "R. Jensen" <

--- "R. Jensen" <listreader at rhjensen.com> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Some more information. If I send a signed message to
> outlook and try
> to verify it, I get an error dialog:
>    GPG Verify
>         Invalid crypto engine
> My WinPT installation verifies the signature without
> a problem
> (from the clipboard).
> Richard.
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Fedora -
> http://enigmail.mozdev.org
> eIkeMCOLGhu9EW/GpO/rqPQ=
> =Vp0Z
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Richard Sperry 
Sperry Services 
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owner at sperryservices.com

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