Strongest Key, Hash, and Cypher Algorithms

Wesley Tabadore wesley.tabadore at
Sun Feb 6 00:29:27 CET 2005


I'm new to GPG and encryption in general and trying to figure out the
strongest way to encrypt files (less than 100 megs in size).  Speed is
not at all a concern, strength of the encryption is the most critical

I would like to encrypt some files symmetrically and other files
asymmetrically, so I am trying to understand the strength of both

Based on the research I have done thus far, I undertand that in both
cases, I need to ensure the passphrases are strong.  Having long
passphrases is not an issue.  I am inclined to use the DiceWare method
to generate the passphrases.  Any comments on this method?

Symmetric encryption: Which current GPG Hash and Cypher Algorithm are
the strongest and how many bits of entropy (or DiceWare words) would
my passphrase have to contain in order to gain the most benefit from
this Hash/Cypher Algorithm combination?

Asymmetric encryption: What type of key should I generate and how do I
choose the strongest Hash and Cypher Algorithm when encrypting files? 
Also how long should my passphrase be (bits of entropy or DiceWare
words) in order to gain the most benefit in security from this scheme?

Thanks in advance,


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